Saturday, June 6, 2009

I love a good deal, especially when it tastes good...

Ok so I through a friend came across this organization called Bountiful Baskets Food Co-op, they are amazing!!! I won't take time to give you all the info about them but you can check out their web site that I posted below the picture. But this is what I will share. These gals put together a co-op to help people get better prices on fresh fruits and veggies, it is so expensive to eat healthy anymore. They have pick up locations all over AZ & UT you put an order in each week letting them know if you want a basket it is $15.00 :-) for a Fruit/Veggie basket (it fills a normal sized laundry basket pretty well), then for additional $$$ you can do what are called add on's, fresh bread, Italian Food Ingredient Pack, Asian Food Pack, 40 lb. boxes of apples, & mango's and it just keeps changing always something new. The baskets are pre made up and you get what you get but after figuring the cost today for what I would have spent at the store I think I paid for the fruit and veggies ended up free! So I didn't feel like I could complain about that. All the group asks for is that some weeks when you order you either help with set up or clean up with organizing the baskets for everyone. Anyhow I was so excited about this that I wanted to share it with everyone I knew. If you want more info or have questions feel free to ask away. And if anyone is curious what kind of stuff you get for $15.00 today our basket had (apples, peaches, cherries, bananas, watermelon, cantaloupe, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumber, cauliflower, lettuce & bell pepper. What a bargain. Happy Shopping & Healthy Eating to you all. :-)