Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Funny Kids

Alright so it is a really good thing that my kids are cute because there are some days that I just think that they are the biggest DORKS! Matt has been the sillier one most recently. I guess he is trying to "work" like someone but I am not sure I ever remember seeing Scott or Papa or Grandad dressed up like this to get a job done. Also I am not sure why kids think that things "taste" better if they shove it up there noses but they seem to. It's a pretty good sign of toddlers in the house when the High Chair is stripped of everything that you might have to put more effort into cleaning. I have found that the less cute stuff the chair has the better, it cleans up way faster.


Teresa :) said...

That is too cute! matt is soooo beautiful!

Amber said...

You are so talented! Your stocking turned out to be beautiful. Good job :)