Thursday, March 27, 2008

Before & After

Ok we have had a few requests for this so here are the updated pics of before & after. As most of you know Scott got really sick around the middle of November in February he got his gallbladder taken out, things have gotten better but we are still working to find out all of what has been going on. Scott has lost almost 60 lbs. since November. Thanks to all you for your love and concern and all the prayers that you have offered in our behalf.

Matt's B-Day The end of September

March 26th, 2008


jantzie said...

MEEAWWW! Hot. ;)

wackyjackie said...

Oh my heck! Maybe I could use a gallbladder problem! Just kidding, thats not a fun way to loose weight. I hope Scott is feeling better.

Kara said...

Scottie!!! You look fantastic. It's good to see you getting all strength and energy back. You're such a skinny pants now...I was pretty worried about you. Glad you're doing better.

Amber said...

lost 60 lbs! Wow!
Don't show pics like that to a pregnant lady who is gaining weight by the minute... :)
I hope Scott is feeling better now.

Eli, Leslie & Victoria said...

Look at my brother, he looks like the same size as Eli! jk Eli is gaining weight over there.... Scott you look great!! you cant be stealing my lifevest this summer!!
love ya